Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby update

Had my appointment today ( the ultra-sound one ) & found out that my placenta has moved completely... well the tech wasn't suppose to tell me that, but I just really wanted to know if all looked normal BEFORE the 7th. I am guessing by what she told me, I won't have to have a c-section. Good news. ( even though - KNOWING the exact day would be kind-of nice )
But luckily I get to do the same old (what I know & have practice at)

He weighs a little over 4 pounds...

He looks like Jace in this picture - but then again, I don't have a 4D of Trenton to compare ...fun to put a face to those rib jabs and bladder kicks ;) ....

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Our weekend starts tomorrow AM ...

I am looking forward to having a few days with Roger solo. I have been so unbelievably freakin uncomfortable. I go from feeling GREAT, just a bit chunky, but like so good.i don't feel pregnant. Then comes the O.m.G uncomfortable-ness. Like I can't 10 more minutes of this baby in my ribs let alone 8 MORE WEEKS~
We find out on the 1st if the baby will be here in 6 weeks or not ( I have mixed feelings about it all). I have my 2nd U/S to see if conditions have changed & if not - - we may know the baby's birthday then! That's kind-of exciting ... I just can't stand this cramped, painful feeling. I would rather be sitting at a 5 uncomfortable feeling than this 0-10 swing.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

All I can say is ... WOW!

So about 5pm - I sent a text to my lil bro ( who earlier asked if Trenton & Jace were going to visit soon ) that he can have Trenton - - I was just joking around, because Trenton was sitting next to me with the non-stop "LETS PLAY" going. Well ... ya about 3am this morning my mother and Ford show up to pick up the boys. They slept a bit then we went out to eat and they took off. CRAZY!!! I guess I ask & I shall receive!! My boys are some lucky boys to have such amazing people in their lives, if only they truly understood! I guess I can say they are dearly missed in MN -
Well, my mom has a class 2nd week in June, so then is when I'll get my boys back, so about 16 days and counting - - -what to do, what to do?!

I am getting my BIG.HUGE.TO-DO accomplished, so when they do come back, I will feel no pressure to get 'other' stuff done & I can completely enjoy my time with them, not much longer until I will have to spread my attention even thinner.

I can rest easy because I know the boys are having the time of their lives, like they always do, at gma & gpa's. Attention.Attention.Attention.
It's pretty sick how much playing they get to do - Golf, Baseball, Biking, Rock picking, Movies @ the theaters, Football and so.much.more.

Lucky kids.
Lucky parents.
Lucky grandparents.

I do miss them already tho!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

with the good comes the bad ...

As much as I LoooOOOoooOOOve the summers & I do mean CHERISH them, I am starting to feel overwhelmed with the attention my boys need during ALL.THESE.SUNNY.HOURS! Bedtime is getting harder to enforce because 'it's not dark, mom' - I can remember saying this to my parents! And their energy levels came out of hibernation, they are non-stop go.go.go.

I love the sunny mornings and the long beautiful days, but I enjoy them so much more when Roger is home to help out. Single mommin' it w/ 2 crazy boys & a body that does not want to function correctly is getting to me ... time for a trip to grandma's maybe??

Even though they are crazy, insane, actin' all 'little' boyish ;) - I do love them so very much.duh. & I have to remember that are only a few [+ some] more weeks left with just my 3 men. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the countdown is on ....

I had my latest appointment this past Monday. My regular doctor had her baby 2 weeks ago, so now I'm in the care of a the other OB that practices here. I felt like I got hit by the information train at this appointment. I find out that I have a Complete Placenta Previa, which my other doc told me, but went into nothing about it. other than she wants to me to have another ultrasound on the 1st see if things change. The way she talked about it made me believe that there was nothing for me to worry about - other than a possible c-section.
Well .... This doctor went into everything I can/cannot do, what to do if I start bleeding (even the tiniest), who I need to talk to & what I need to tell them, what it means if I do start bleeding and that this pregnancy of mine is considered 'high risk'. I was blown away, why did my other doctor decide that this information was not necessary for me to know!? I was kind-of pissed, well - really pissed. I didn't go to medical school - I don't know what I should or shouldn't be asking about conditions I've never dealt with. The new doc told me that the reason I am having this type of pregnancy is from my D&C as a result from my miscarriage in '08.

Well, to be honest, I am not too worried. Maybe things have changed - the placenta could move up higher during the growing - but I have dealt with no bleeding to date & I feel good. I have been taking it easy - just have to do what I need to.

S00000 - I have 10 weeks left. Maybe less if they plan a c-section. [ What I've read about the condition of this pregnancy they like to schedule c-sections earlier (after 36 weeks) to make sure I don't go into labor. If I do go into labor with the C.P.P it can cause major hemorrhaging. :-/ ]

I'm praying for change @ the u/s & I can have the same delivery process that I did with Jace & Trenton. But baby is healthy and that is all that is important!

I have to start getting ready!!!
I keep thinking I have time & I do, but I know it's going to fly by.

I need everything :-/

- Car seat
- Crib (Mini Delta) I don't want to use our BIG one because we are going to put the baby in our room, and I don't want to buy a bassinet just for it to last 3 months.
- Pump -Medla Metro. (( this baby is getting MY milk ))
- need to collect some outfits - - I gave away / sold most all of our baby clothes. I was just getting overwhelmed with the amount of bins of clothes we had around here & we decided to pass most of them on. But summer baby - onesies are going to be #1. :)
- The hospital bag items for baby & mommy
- basic 'things' :: wipes/diapers/bottles

I hate the amount of stuff that gets accumulated with a NB & most of it is not needed. So with that said - - I'm going to pretend I'm a minimalist & not try to collect anything we DON'T need!

74 days!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

These type of days make up for those 'other' type of days

Run down of why today was oh... so good.

- kids played at the park with daddy as I shopped for an hour solo
- Hung out with the boys at the park for another hour or so - in the nice heat & ate watermelon
- Made a GREAT potato salad that turned out FAB!
- Talked to my mom (in peace) for awhile this AM
- Roger let me sleep in until 10:30AM
- got to spend about an hour of my morning getting ready for the day vs. the 10 mins I usually get
- Turned on the Central Air for the 1st time
- Door open to the deck while I cooked in peace w/ the smell of fresh mowed grass & rain pouring in
- Took a nice walk with the kiddos
- No complaining @ bath time.
- movie night w/ my hubster & boys :: ANNIE for the 3rd night in a row, but I just love watching Jace watch it. He loves it so much!
Perfect day! love.love.love these days!

Even ended it with a FULL Double rainbow :)
Makes for a great 1 1/2 year anniversary :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Weekend Review

So our weekends start Sunday AM (when Roger gets home) and ends about 5:30pm on Tuesday when Roger returns back to work.
I woke up on mother's day to hubby bringing me some of my favorite OJ & some reading material. He usually crawls into bed until about 11-noonish, but we stayed up before the kiddos awoke & watched the Tivo'd SNL w/ Betty White & JayZ. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time - neither has Roger. It was a great episode of SNL - Then the rest of the day I got to sit back & relax [partly because I did my Sunday chores on Sat] but I was free of diaper duty & got to sneak in a nice nap. score! We hung out & went to pick up Iron Man (1) in blu-ray, happy mother's day to me?! ;) , and had a movie & Pizza Hut night. It was a perfect 'lil day!

Then Monday, well this was a busy day, not crazy busy, but early and a bit stressful. Trenton had to get 2 cavities filled at 8am & Jace had 1 to get filled at 8:30. I was very impressed with how fast the entire family was able to get out of the house that morning. But showing up tired & nervous wasn't the greatest feeling in the world. Trenton got called in about 3 minutes after arriving. They use 'laughing gas' over the nose with the little kids to get them relaxed. Trenton was a CHAMP! He did everything he needed to & it was less than 4 mins and the tiny - surface - cavities were filled. As he was coming out of it, he was telling me how he wanted to do it again [get his teeth drilled] & that it was so much fun. Then about 3 mins later, he retracted that statement saying he was lying. He complained of a slight a headache but that's all. He got to pick out a toy & he chilled in the waiting room watching an old VHS movie . He was a rock star patient!
Jace on the other hand. Well, he sounded like he was being tortured, pretty much made me tear up. He hated the mask, I imagine the smell in combination with scariness of it, totally freaked the lil kid out. Thankfully Roger was there, helped calm him a bit & hold him for the 45 seconds ( i kid you not ) that it took to drill & fill the thing. But he was 100% fine after the whole ordeal.
I was worried about Jace because he is SO young, but the dentist said where the cavity was located it will decay fast down to the 'pulp' of the tooth. So Roger & I decided to just get it over with so it didn't become a bigger issue.
So with doctors orders w/ the unknown type of Heart Murmur he has, we gave him the antibiotics and he was set to go.
(We have that BIG appointment with the Mayo Clinic Cardiologist on the 28th of June)
We just found it funny with Jace that a lil mask makes him scream, but he can have a nurse dig around in his arm for a vein to draw blood and he doesn't make a sound.
We scheduled another appointment for Roger in 2 weeks to officially start the-never-ending work that needs to be done!!
They will start out with the basics; Xrays/cleaning/checking out the bone that is exposed from his extraction a month ago ... then beings the cavity-filling & teeth-pulling to prepare for those dang braces. :-/
I am so thankful for Dental insurance.

After that was done with, we headed home to have a lil breakfast & hang out until about noon. We had Trenton's Open house for kindergarten. I liked what I saw, all but the pick-up/drop-off situation. NOT a FAN! I can imagine it is just NUTS! They have no busing in town so that means there are going to be X amount of cars that are in front of the school every morning & afternoon. I am not looking forward to it at all!!
-a mess of cars + little kids does not sound like a good mixture to me-
But after lunch & a tour of the grounds, Trenton seems pretty excited to start. I think he's nervous about all the other kids, but he will adjust in time.

We finished off our day with a Movie @ the Mall. Ironman 2. Jace fell asleep like he does in every movie we go to (must be the pigging out on popcorn for 10 mins with the dark lights is a recipe for NAP TIME!) But we really enjoyed the movie!

So we had a pretty good, lay-low, sort-of weekend. Roger went back to work early tonight, for a meeting, so that means he will be home early[er] in AM -as they can only put in so many hours in a day- So that makes for a nice day tomorrow. :) Now I have got to start the cleaning that I put off this weekend. So I'm off to being the whole routine over again ;) ...

Coupon Brag

So I'm getting a bit better @ this.
Not like all-out-paying-$0-for-everything good yet, but I think this latest KMART trip was pretty exciting ;)

Infusium 23 leave-in condition $.75
(orginally 5.99)
Infusium 23 leave-in de[frizz] $. 75
(originally 6.49)
Kix, Cheerios, Fruit Loops (2 boxes), Cinnamon Toast Crunch $1.39 per box
Bic Pens (2 pouches) $ .58 for both
Sunsilk Travel Size Shampoo & Condition $ FREE for both

OOP (out of Pocket) $ 9.01 for ALL

So I am in need of some organization of my coupons to make the shopping experience a bit easier but I am getting the hang of it :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Couponin' .... 1st Time.

Ok So this was my 1st attempt at "couponin' "
Granted our bill was still 150 + dollars because there is stuff we NEED around here, but this is what 11.99 bought us today. (with a lil help from a flustered cashier & the Sunday rush behind us)

3 Hamburger Helpers (.75 off 3)
2 Taco Seasoning (.60 off 2)
2 Liters of 7-up (2.00off 2)
2 HUGE tubes of cookies (1.00 off 2) * Coupon wasn't working, Cashier KNEW we bought 2, so she overrode it in the system, come to find out -when we get home as I'm figuring what we $ vs saved- only 1 $4.28 tube ran through. (I NEVER check receipts, I bet we have had this happen vice versa as well) but Worked out well this time. So we paid 3.28 for 2 ((w/o coupons [straight purchase] it would have been $8.56))
John Freda Blond Shampoo (2.50 off ANY) *reg 5.97, on sale for 4.50* bought for 2.00
Band-aids (1.00 off ANY) - - .50 for the box.

So after figuring it out we saved about 50% on this items. I can see where the coupon matching can really make a difference. Need to start working on my 'matching/stacking' practices. Kind-of fun :)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So here we go again - well, not really. but something like that.

I got all my stuff finished for my DSU application. uffda. only the 4th school I'm going to have gone to - blah. But I told Roger, We are NOT leaving until I am done. I can't stand the transfering & starting over!
I am going to SEE what I can handle this fall; brand new baby, Trenton starting kinder [5days a week, 8 hours a day], Jace starting pre-school? [haven't decided on that yet], school work, house-'wiving'. So ... I just don't know if that's going to be too much to handle. I want to take a few classes, nothing major starting out. I only have a year + left. Nothing that can't get done. Just takin' it slow ... because that's how it goes when you are 23 pregnant w/ #3. :)

So ... Hopefully I get all this figured out this month.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Coupon Clipping ...

Over the past week I have been finding some great blog reads as I cruise around the net. One that has caught my attention was this one.
So after spending a good amount of time reading other people's stories about using coupons
& the $$ they save - I'm thinking that I'm going to try this. We don't have a huge selection of stores to shop at, but I think even if I could save $25 - $50 a month on stuff we normally buy I'd be happy!
I'll try to keep track of my progress in this venture - see if the time vs. payoff is worth it.

Friday, April 30, 2010

only 2 hours and some change....

... then I will have made it!
May 1st & no flu or flu-like sickness.
1st time making it through a pregnancy without getting KILLER sick (morning sickness excluded) :)
Not saying I can't get sick in the next 13 weeks, buuuuuut I made it through the thick of the storm.

I am going to thank my flu-shot. (H1N1 Flu-shot that is)

And it was not just me.... The boys (also had H1N1 shot) made it through without any insane fevers or throwing up & Roger (who did not have any flu shot) had about a 3 day stretch (when he started nights in Feb) where he was feverish.
But 2 thumbs up for staying healthy!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Summer Haircuts

My cute bald boys

Last week Jace said good-bye to his baby hair.
It has been growing on me each day, but he still doesn't look like my baby Jacers anymore!
His hair.skin.eyebrows all match oh, so well!

Re-Covered Lamp

Found this fun fabric at the Local Arc Thrift store for a heafty $2.00

This shade was showing the adventures of being hauled in and out of 3 different states. So instead of just throwing it away and going out to find another Bor-ing Shade, I decided to attempt to re-cover it.

It was actually a tad difficult to do with one large piece of fabric, but with patience and a hot glue gun it turned out pretty dang well!

I only had about 3 - 4 burns from the glue.

I love my Husband.


We officially booked our Summer Vacation!

One week on a houseboat on Rainy Lake!
I can't wait to do some amazing fishing with my family!

My husband does a GREAT job of negotiating with class :)
Got us a great deal and some freebies!

Can't wait until we hit the water! :D
Rainy Lake is one of the top fishing lakes in the USA -
Pike- Small mouth bass & walleyes !
I have high hopes to catch lots & lots of fish ... hope I am not disappointed!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Old Frames. New Look.

These were once a dull ugly gray color, but with a coat of pretty blue spray paint paired with some wonderful photos of Jace by Jessica (http://www.oneswiftclick.com/) they are now hanging with pride in the boys' room.

Big Belly

Here it is

The belly

[Week 26-ish]

sweet dreams

He knows WHEN he wants to sleep and only THEN is when he will ... regardless of where he is at [just like his dad]

Here he is in toddler dreamland (just how I found him)

Then about 2 - 3 hours later ...


Bagel Pizzas

We enjoy making these from time to time.

It's a fun, super-simple 'dinner' that the kids can help with.

What I use (ingredients are inter-changeable)
  • prego - traditional
  • shredded mozzarella
  • pepperoni
  • plain bagels

Construct like a pizza
Bake like a pizza
There you have it.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

thoughts about baby #3 and pregnancy

So here we go again!!

nope it's not Deja'vu....

We will be adding another boy to the family in the later part of the summer. I knew this before the ultrasound, ok not really, but I was 100% prepared for them to say - IT'S A BOY - I am really excited for this baby to join our family and for the Trenton & Jace to have a baby brother. I knew that I was destined to have 3 boys. My dad is boy #3 as is Roger, so it is very fitting.

I am 21 weeks - and the baby is moving like crazy. I love it ( the kicking ) not so much the pregnancy. With Trenton & Jace I enjoyed most all of the pregnancy - This one I have been strugglin'. I think it's just having to keep up with the kids & housework. I already have forgotten the 'sick days' and I am NOT looking forward to the 'uncomfortable / hot days'. Is it weird to say I am glad to be doing this now than later, kind-of like I'm getting 'this' part done & over with?!

I am looking forward to July 31st & moving past being BIG n ROUND :)

a quick trip home

We went home for a quick visit, when I say quick, I mean less than 72 hours. The objective of the trip was to take care of our Audi and get it into the bodyshop, deal with insurance, yada yada yada....The front bumper was damaged by a iced-over snowbank the day before we left for North Dakota.
Really it was an excuse to surprise my parents & get to visit everyone!
We had a blast just being with family & getting to be 'home' for a bit :D

what's up with us these days....

Rewind a bit...............
So since January 1st we have lived in North Dakota.
Things kept getting worse for Roger @ Halliburton in Wyoming, he felt he had to call it quits and start over somewhere else. He was so sick of getting treated the way he was! Looking back to that time in Nov. I was shocked & scared for him to give up a job with benefits in this economy, but I supported his decision and tried not to stress.... after hours upon hours of searching - we found it, well I found it (on craigslist nonetheless). A Job that pays 2- 2.5X more than Halliburton, 10 hours closer to home, constant work & with benefits we don't have to pay for.