Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the countdown is on ....

I had my latest appointment this past Monday. My regular doctor had her baby 2 weeks ago, so now I'm in the care of a the other OB that practices here. I felt like I got hit by the information train at this appointment. I find out that I have a Complete Placenta Previa, which my other doc told me, but went into nothing about it. other than she wants to me to have another ultrasound on the 1st see if things change. The way she talked about it made me believe that there was nothing for me to worry about - other than a possible c-section.
Well .... This doctor went into everything I can/cannot do, what to do if I start bleeding (even the tiniest), who I need to talk to & what I need to tell them, what it means if I do start bleeding and that this pregnancy of mine is considered 'high risk'. I was blown away, why did my other doctor decide that this information was not necessary for me to know!? I was kind-of pissed, well - really pissed. I didn't go to medical school - I don't know what I should or shouldn't be asking about conditions I've never dealt with. The new doc told me that the reason I am having this type of pregnancy is from my D&C as a result from my miscarriage in '08.

Well, to be honest, I am not too worried. Maybe things have changed - the placenta could move up higher during the growing - but I have dealt with no bleeding to date & I feel good. I have been taking it easy - just have to do what I need to.

S00000 - I have 10 weeks left. Maybe less if they plan a c-section. [ What I've read about the condition of this pregnancy they like to schedule c-sections earlier (after 36 weeks) to make sure I don't go into labor. If I do go into labor with the C.P.P it can cause major hemorrhaging. :-/ ]

I'm praying for change @ the u/s & I can have the same delivery process that I did with Jace & Trenton. But baby is healthy and that is all that is important!

I have to start getting ready!!!
I keep thinking I have time & I do, but I know it's going to fly by.

I need everything :-/

- Car seat
- Crib (Mini Delta) I don't want to use our BIG one because we are going to put the baby in our room, and I don't want to buy a bassinet just for it to last 3 months.
- Pump -Medla Metro. (( this baby is getting MY milk ))
- need to collect some outfits - - I gave away / sold most all of our baby clothes. I was just getting overwhelmed with the amount of bins of clothes we had around here & we decided to pass most of them on. But summer baby - onesies are going to be #1. :)
- The hospital bag items for baby & mommy
- basic 'things' :: wipes/diapers/bottles

I hate the amount of stuff that gets accumulated with a NB & most of it is not needed. So with that said - - I'm going to pretend I'm a minimalist & not try to collect anything we DON'T need!

74 days!

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